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Project focus 10: Guerlain lingerie De Peau BB

Alert: I’m experiencing some technical difficulties today with my individual ID. Všechny mé komentáře k blogům jde do svých spamových komentářů. I can only “like” a publish however none of my comments are displaying. Please inspect in your comment spam folder to see if there may be something in there as well as release my comments or else my individual ID will be permanently labelled as spam as well as I can’t leave additionally comments on your blogs. You understand exactly how I like to leave comments – this makes me sad! I’ve cleared my cache as well as I’ve requested assist from WordPress however haven’t heard anything yet.

Last week I introduced the collaboration Project focus 10 partnership as well as showed the 10 products that I’ll be focusing on for the next 10 weeks.  Today is the very first of the series of a lot more in-depth evaluations on one of the items: Guerlain lingerie De Peau BB appeal Booster undetectable Skin-Fusion Multi-Perfecting makeup SPF 30:

I will not be examining them in buy from 1-10. Dělám si co chci!

I have this in 01 Light as well as it is offered in 3 shades, ranging from fair to medium skin tone.  It retails for $62 for a 40ml tube as well as is offered at Hudson’s Bay as well as choose buyers medication Mart appeal Boutiques.

The BB cream comes in a slender tube which likewise has a pump under the cap. compared to other Guerlain packaging, this is downright utilitarian, however I truly like its simplicity.

The pump dispenses a little amount of product per pump which I like – one pump is sufficient for a thin layer to cover my entire face. This product is likewise rather buildable.

The colour 0 Light is on the pink side as well as somewhat as well light for me, however, if I apply a sheer layer, it blends into my skin fine.  This BB cream, suprisingly, packs rather a bit of coverage. I would phone call the protection a medium satin matte – it’s not dewy like a lot of other BB creams on the market. I can apply this with my fingers to supply a seamless finish, however, the very best method to apply this I’ve discovered is with a makeup sponge because of its thicker consistency. The enduring power is likewise extremely great – I get a bit of radiate in my t-zone by mid-afternoon however nothing that blotting paper can’t solve.

Content-wise, the sunscreen components are a blend of physical as well as chemical: Titanium Dioxide 3.55%, Octinoxate 3.74%, Oxybenzone 1%. other skin benefiting components include: glycerin, glycol, as well as hyaluronic acid. Some may discover these components to be irritating: alcohol (11th on the list), as well as fragrance (mid-way on the component list).  The fragrance to this product is what I would phone call somewhat floral however it’s not excessively offensive to me. The odor reminds me of Nivea’s cream – I suspect the fragrance was added to mask the sunscreen smell.

While I liked the protection as well as finish, I believe for people with sensitivity to scents or cannot discover a appropriate colour within the extremely restricted shade range, I would offer an alternative: MAC’s BB cream. This reminded me a great deal of that protection as well as finish, actually. as well as MAC’s is complimentary of added fragrance (although it does odor a bit like sunscreen), is used in 12 colours as well as costs only $37 for the exact same amount of product.

I’ve had the Guerlain BB cream for just over a year (yes, the tube states expiry after 9M however meh, the product consistency as well as scent is fine) as well as I redeemed optimal points for it so it was “free”. I likely would not repurchase it considering that there are much more affordable BB creams on the market however it was a great to try out a high-end brand’s handle a BB cream. I’ve been using this everyday considering that job focus 10 started as well as my goal is to utilize this up by spring time.

Have you tried this BB cream? What’s your much-loved BB cream?

• High coverage
• great oil control
• consists of SPF 30
• long using on the skin

• restricted shade range
• Fragranced
• Drahý

Stash worthiness: 7/10

Notes on the other job focus 10 items:
• I lastly started utilizing the Smashbox double exposure palette! It’s always bittersweet to dip a makeup clean into a perfect, unblemished pan. type of like walking on freshly fallen snow.
• The Orly Nailtrition has been saving my dry wintertime nails like a champ! I’ve only had 2 peeling nails compared to normally 5 or 6.
• last week I tried utilizing the Smashbox picture surface primer Water as a completing spray only – I’m not sure exactly how I feel about it utilizing it for this purpose. I’m going to try utilizing it as a spray before foundation this week instead.

Please go inspect out my collab friends for their job focus 10 post:
♦ Jodiho postoje dráhy
♦ Štěstí stylizovaného s radostí

Hey, it’s the final weekJít do mých moc blízkých věcí Giveaway! Zadali jste?

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Stejně jako načítání …


COLLAB: Zaměření práce 10NEW ROK, nová spolupráce! Jedná se o jeden další mozkem slečny Ingrid (aka kudrnaté. nebo jim poskytnout mnohem více pozornosti: • …
18. ledna 2016 ‘Beauty ”

Zaměření projektu 10: MUJI Cut Bavlna Ecrutoday’s Pracovní zaostření 10 hodnocení není make-up, nicméně něco, co by pomohlo odstranit make-up; MUJI CUT BACKER ECRU: To je moje spousta využitých pracovních místních zaostřených 10 produktů – Využívám ho v noci, abych odstranil můj oční make-up s ohledem na to, že začíná tato série. Můj základ srovnání bude proti Shiseido …
21. března 2016 ‘krása ”

Projekt Focus 10: Orly Nailteritionit je dva dva dva dva den! (22. února; 2-22, heh), naprosto to udělal. Možná, že svět skončí, když je to 22. února 2222. Nikdo z nás nebude online tak dlouho, takže žádná obavy. )
22. února 2016In “krása”

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Make-up a kouzlo blog pondělí hlasování, sv. 716

Potěšen Valentýna!

Takže … Jaký je pondělní průzkum?

Výborná otázka! Není to, na rozdíl od jeho jména, skutečný průzkum, jako s malými tlačítky kliknutí. Je to jen seznam mnohem více nebo méně náhodných otázek, které jsem na tomto blogu vysílal každý pondělí ráno pro minulé kvadrijní roky (od roku 2007).

1. Kdo je váš miláček?

Každý rok mám stejné tři: El Hub, Connor a Rosie-póza.

2. Čokoláda nebo květiny?

Viz bonbóny, prosím!


3. červená nebo růžová rtěnka?

Miluji oba, ale dnes se cítím růžová.

4. Clogs: Ano nebo ne?

Ya ví, býval jsem hater, ale po mém krátkém stint pracujícím v pekárně, jsem teď fanouškem.

5. Píseň, kterou jste nedávno slyšeli?

“Playin ‘s královnou srdcí …”

6. Retinol?

Yup. Mám rád ty neutrogenní a Avene.

7. Červený nebo růžový lak na nehty?

Flamingo Pink!

8. Červené nebo růžové oční stíny?

Červená může vypadat editoriální a dramatické, ale v poslední době jsem nebyl v téhle make-upu, takže si vyberu měkké mytí satiny růžové.

9. Den svatého Valentýna: Miluj to nebo nechte to?


Váš přátelský sousedství Charm Addict,



P.S. Zde jsou otázky pro kopírování / vložení s odpověďmi v komentáři. Promluvte si s YA brzy.

1. Kdo je váš miláček?
2. Čokoláda nebo květiny?
3. červená nebo růžová rtěnka?
4. Clogs: Ano nebo ne?
5. Píseň, kterou jste nedávno slyšeli?
6. Retinol?
7. Červený nebo růžový lak na nehty?
8. Červené nebo růžové oční stíny?
9. Den svatého Valentýna: Miluj to nebo nechte to?

P.p.S. Potěšen Valentýna, můj milý přítel. Poslat vám další squeeze-y objetí dnes!

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Pátek Fotd Vibes: Neočekávaně třpytivý

Úplně nečekal, že to vypadá, aby skončil tak třpytivý a růžový, ale hej, je to pátek, tak by to mohlo také, že?

Používám nové vzácné kosmetické výrobky, které jsem tento týden vyzvedl dříve! Jak vidíte, Discovery Eyeshadow paletu v pravdivém pro sebe se opírá velmi teplá. Ne můj obvyklý styl k pozdě (byl jsem opravdu do úžasných tónů), ale bavím se s tím.


Všimli jste si různé intenzity v očních hodinách? Dvě nejtmavší odstíny (matný červenohnědý a matný švestka) jsou na Slavnější straně, které mi nevadí, protože to usnadňuje kontrolu úrovně intenzity.

Zjistil jsem, že když dostanu moudřejší v letech, musím být mnohem opatrnější, když nosím tmavší stíny; Pokud stíny jdou příliš tmavé a intenzivní, moje víčka s kapucí se zdají být těžší. Takže musím jít snadno a budovat tuto barvu pomalu, neustále!

Je to deštivý, zatažený den v Marin County, takže jsem rád, že mám na sobě jiskry.

Doufám, že váš pátek je zatím úžasný!


Vaše přátelské sousedství krásy závislý,



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Nezaručuje: Illamasqua poke nehty polštář

Možná jsem zmínil o tomto blogu, že mám spoustu leštění na nehty. Možná jsem také zmínil, že mnozí z mých laků na nehty jsou nepříznivé, nebo jak jim říkám: nezkoušené. A mnozí z mých patrů jsou illamasqua. Dnes vám přináším illamasqua poke.

Je popsán na místě Illamasqua jako:

Jasný fialový fialový, třpytový povrch.

Docela přesný, a já bych dodal, že třpyt je ledový modrý mikro-třpyt, což dělá fialový štíhlý v určitém světle. Vlastně jsem nenoste tuto barvu na prstech, ale spíše na prstech. Ale protože tento blog je bezplatný prostor, nebudu vám ukázat, jak se to dívá na mé prsty.

Tento lak na nehty je jeden srst zázrak (OCW)! Není příliš překvapující z illamasqua. Výše vzorník je zobrazen pouze s jedním kabátem, žádný vrchní nátěr.

Stejně jako u všech polštářů na nehty Illamasqua může být čtvercová vnější víčko odstraněna a menší víčko uvnitř usnadňuje uchopení při použití polštáře.

Štětec je na tenčí straně, ale platí a usazuje polsky velmi dobře – žádné pruhy nebo nerovnosti.

Zblízka střílel předvést ledový modrý třpyt. Klikni pro zvětšení.
Illamasqua laky na nehty Cena $ 17 CAD (Když to bylo k dispozici v Hudsonově zálivu, nyní jediné místo Severní Američany si mohou koupit illamasqua, a ceny se budou lišit v závislosti na konverzi £ a přepravní poplatky jsou strmé. Obsahují 15 ml výrobku a jsou vyrobeny v Austrálii (druh neobvyklého místa pro výrobu lyžařů na nehty – Nezpomínám žádné jiné značky polštářů na nehty).

Má směs teplých a chladných tónů – myslím, že by to bylo vhodné pro většinu odstínů kůže. Je to docela jasný fialový odstín, rozhodně nefungují vhodné pro konzervativní prostředí.
• bohatě pigmentovaný – neprůhledný v jediném kabátě
• jedinečná barva
• Dokonce i hladká aplikace
• odolný proti čipu

• drahý, ale neřekl bych drahý nebo předražený pro kvalitu (Deborah Lippmann je $ 20, Marc Jacobs je $ 22)

Stash hodnota: 10/10

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Stejně jako načítání …


Illamasqua lak na nehty kolekce megaposttodayův příspěvek je věnován Julijovi nekonečně nešikovně a platí pocty megapostům Fivero. V jednom z komentářů se Julija zeptala mě, kolik Illamasqua polství vlastnil – jsem udělal rychlý počet z mé tabulky inventáře a odpověď byla: 47.: O (korekce, počet jedinečných …
27. října 2015 ‘Beauty ”

Nezaručuje: Illamasqua čistota na nehty laku je chvíli, protože jsem udělal neznepokojený lak na nehty! Dnes vám přináším čistotu Illamasqua. Je popsán na místě Illamasqua jako: broskev. Uh, OK. krátký a sladký. Chcete-li to přidat, řeknu to, že to není měkká broskev, je to odvážná broskev, pokud je tu taková věc.
13. srpna 2015 ‘Beauty ”

5 Pastelově nehtů Polishesin Udržel jsem s velikonočním a jarním tématem, myslel jsem, že předvádím 5 pastelových laků z mé skrýš: palce až pinky: Essie Pink-A-Boo, Revlon Apricot pečivo, Illamasqua MILF, Mary Kay Blue Lotus, Essence Krásné tajemství. ESSIE PINK-A-BOO # 793, který je popsán jako “naprostá růžová s třpytivým jiskra” na Essie …
6. dubna 2015In “krása”

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Winners finds – may 2016

I’m really back-logged with my posts as you can see, as this was meant to be posted before I left for vacation, but I didn’t have time to take photos. Ah well, better late than never!

So I wasn’t really planning on doing much makeup shopping before my trip but I’ve been finding some incredible stuff at Winners! I just couldn’t NOT buy this stuff:

Burberry! Armani! Nars! Paul & Joe! nail polishes from the newest collections! I couldn’t even fit everything into the frame.    I’ll start off with the craziest (aka the best!) things:

Armani Master Corrector in #2 Orange – $19.99

This has been on my wish list for ages, and I found it at Winners, of all places! and at such a good price (it retails for $42 on Sephora)! I also saw the #01 pink colour there too but I’d read the orange was the way to go. So excited to try this! (and Winners, good for you for locking up the pricier makeup!)

Burberry sheer foundation luminous Compact foundation in Trench #03- $29.99

This was a case of being at the right place at the right time. I was killing time after work one night and stopped into the Winners near work. There was an associate unpacking a bunch of new items and she was putting a few Burberry makeup items out – liquid foundation and pressed powders. They were all in those little locked cases and there were 2 shades of powders so I took them both up to the cashier to have them open them up for me to see the colours. One of the powders was completely shattered and it was also too dark for me. but this one was perfect and matched me. Skóre!

Paul & Joe Eye color CS in 097 Café Macchiato – $14.99

This sweet little eye shadow single was part of their fall 2015 collection. how cute is the owl packaging?

Paul & Joe Moisturizing foundation primer N – $19.99

My pal had actually told me about buying this primer at Winners and said she didn’t like it. but I was still curious about it so I got it to try.

Nars nail polish in Disco Inferno and other Side (from 3.1 Phillip Lim collab) – $8.99 each

Disco Inferno is such a neat duochrome shade that I seem to gravitate to. and other Side is nice vampy shade but not terribly unique, I might give this to a pal who likes Phillip Lim.

Mediheal Platinum V-Life vital Mask – 10 for $12.99

These look really good (contains glycerin, hyaluronic acid and witch hazel) and I was surprised to find it was less than $15 for the box of 10, most of the boxes I’ve seen are $30.

More nail polishes: I was so psyched to see the new China Glaze 2016 spring and summer collections at Winners! I bought a few… go head and judge me.

China Glaze spring 2016 house of color collection – $5.99 each

• Pink or Swim
• Don’t Be Shallow
• Chrome Is Where The Heart Is
• Sorry I’m Latte

China Glaze Lite Brites collection – $5.99 each

• Let’s Jam
• I got a Blue Attitude
• horký blesk

Random polishes:

• Nicole by OPI The new Neutral – $5.99
• Orly Honeymoon in style – $5.99
• Orly catch the Bouquet – $5.99
• Zoya Pandora – $4.99
• Jessica Tres elegant – $4.99

BH Cosmetics Smokey Eyes – 28 color Eyeshadow palette – $12.99

Finally, I found one of these palettes that haven’t been opened and played with. There were 3 colour options available: Neutral Eyes, vital Eyes, and Smokey Eyes.  I was tempted by the first two but I went with this one that had a little bit of colour. This is officially the largest eye shadow palette I own, and my first ever of these 28 pans that are popular from the likes of BH Cosmetics, Coastal Scents, Sedona Lace, and Morphe.

Paula Dorf 5 Eyeshadow Collection (contains L to R: Grace, Mauve, Gunmetal, Riot, and Forest) – $6.99

I’ve been seeing lots of “brand name” makeup at Winners lately by Ellen Tracy, Max studio and Paula Dorf. most of them are made in China so I’ve been hesitant to try them.  These look decent and reminiscent of the Eye Glimmers, however, I found this article that states Paula Dorf herself is slamming these makeup products as devaluing her name. I guess that’s what happens when your company goes bankrupt and sells the brand rights to someone else.

Cala make-up Blending Sponge

This looks really similar to my favourite Quo sponge so I’m giving it a test.

Suisse Clinians intense A lifting Anti-aging Toner

Random toner with good ingredients (with retinol and hyaluronic acid) and made in Italy.

And I’ve been on a perfume buying rampage!  I picked these up on separate visits… I really like philosophy fragrances and couldn’t resist:

• love sweet love – fruity grapefruit & mango
• inner Grace – I couldn’t find specific notes on this and it’s discontinued, but it features Egyptian Musk, and is typically compared to Narcisso Rodriguez for Her and Sarah Jessica Parker’s lovely – but a bit more toned down.
• Loveswept – passionfruit & jasmine
I’ve tried all three on my skin now and my favourite so far is love sweet love – a grapefruity scent that’s perfect for summer!

And now I’m banning myself from shopping at Winners for a littleZatímco (a byl jsem úspěšný v červnu zatím – žádný make-up nákupy tam tento měsíc!) Vždy mě dostanou s myšlenkou, že pokud něco najdete, kupte si to teď! A vždycky mám pocit, že mi chybí, pokud se nezastavím alespoň jednou týdně, protože po celou dobu dostanou nové zásilky. Budu vyzván, abych jen jednou jdou každý týden. Jste vítězové / Marshalls / TJMAXX / TKMAXX / Sleva Store Addict?

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Oblíbené v poslední době: počátkem roku 2016’m baaaack. 🙂 Díky za všechna dobře přání minulý týden! Jsem asi o 50% lepší, protože je pro mě nevyhnutelné, abych nebyl v počítači v práci. Dívám se do ergonomického hodnocení mého stolu a možná dělám nějakou fyziku. Budu měřítko zpátky na mé vysílání …
18. dubna 2016 ‘Beauty ”

Můj prosinec 2016 brankářský prosinec! Teď, když jsem udělal projektová pánev, musím být upřímný s tebou – cítil jsem se trochu stresovaný a hodně provinilý o hromadě make-upu, který čekal na fotografování, testované a přezkoumány. Od té doby, co letos otevřeli náprudy pro nákup make-upu, já …
1. prosince 2016 ‘krása ”

Lemmings # 1Tato je poprvé, kdy jsem vysílal seznam přání typ vstupu, ale místo toho jsem si vybral titul “Lemmings”. Důvodem je, že je to proto, že nejvíce, ne-li všechny položky mého seznamu přání, byly přivedeny k mé pozornosti kvůli příspěvkům jiných lidí o nich. …
23. srpna 2015 ‘Beauty “

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Favourites identify

I just saw this identify on A appeal venture as well as rushed to do it, since I’ve got a wee bit of a chilly ideal now (ugh summer colds are the pits) as well as I wished to do an uplifting post! (and I still haven’t gotten around to completing that mammoth “50 things That Make Me Happy” tag)

Moji oblíbenci… *

Place: Scotland

Person: Oprah

Side note: I want to develop my own Lego Oscars statue one day

Color: Purple

Food: I can’t choose between sushi as well as ramen so I’ll just state Japanese food in general

Smell: A bakery

Book: Animalia by Graeme Base (I recognize this is a photo book, however I just like it!)

Movie: The normal Suspects

Music artist: U2

Genre of music: Mix bag of stuff – people / rock / alternative?

Genre of literature: Non-fiction

Magazine: Not much of a magazine visitor now, however I utilized to sign up for Harper’s Bazaar, I just liked their innovative direction

Pít vodu

Precious stone: Ruby (I’m somewhat biased considering that this is my birthstone)

Animal: Owls – see my newest addition:

Flower: Lilies

Video game: I’m categorized as a “casual gamer” indicating I like puzzle games such as Gummy drops or hidden item games like Dream Day very first Home. I’m lame, I know.

TV Show: I don’t enjoy much present TV shows, however I did truly like Arrested Development.

Fruit: Mango

Vegetable: Spinach

Historical figure: Pablo Picasso

Boy’s name: Joshua

Girl’s name: Stella

Potato chip flavor: ordinary (I just don’t like chips that much…)

Meal of the day: Brunch!  I’m a sucker for Eggs Benedict:

Ice cream flavor: Mint chocolate chip

Soda: Stewart’s crucial Lime

Season: Autumn

Month of the year: December (because of all the days off)

Disney princess: Cinderella (which includes one of my much-loved Disney scenes of all time – when they’re making her dress)

YouTube channel: Siobhán of LetzMakeup

Eye color: Hazel

Dessert: chocolate molten lava cake

* Disclaimer, these are all a favourite, not necessarily the favourite, since ah, you know, fickle is my middle name.

I’d like to see your favourites as well! Please link if you do this Tag.

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Stejně jako načítání …


100 concerns nobody Asks TagI’ve seen this identify done a few times (Megan has OCD, fivezero, as well as chubbychicsdiary, to name a few) as well as I assumption I’m a glutton for punishment since I made a decision to response 100 random as well as frankly, type of intrusive questions! Titulní stavy nikdo na tyto otázky nikdy žádají, nicméně …
18. října 2015 ‘General ”

Get to understand me Tag, appeal blog writer editionI was identified by the charming Ryane Zamora appeal to do this. bit did she understand that I secretly was going to do this identify even if nobody identified me (but now I look like I have friends, as well as I’m cool. Yeah.)  I’ve seen this identify called “Get to…
21. dubna 2015 ‘Beauty ”

Seven Deadly Sins of makeup TagThis identify has been going around for a while, I very first saw it on fivezero’s blog, as well as then a lot more just recently on agirlwithpinkcheeks’s blog, which then reminded me that I had it in my draft folder.  The function of this identify is to name a makeup product connected with each of…
2. srpna 2015 ‘Beauty “

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Laka na nehty týdne: Smith & Cult Extra Common

rád si myslím na tuto neprůhlednou fuchsii růžovou jako punk rock růžová. Není to příliš sladké, ani příliš Schmexy; Je to osoba s okrajem. Je to jisté, že je to jasné, ale není to skoro tak, že neon zvýrazňovače růžová.

Anywho, mám včera pár otázek v komentáři, takže tady je ve všech její ohromující slávě!


Pokud jste nový na Smith & Cult, jsou úžasné indie lak na nehty a make-up line, kterou najdete v Spacenku a online.

Nezkoušel jsem make-up, ale polštáře? MILOVAT. Měl jsem je na sobě roky kvůli vysokému pigmentu a dlouhému času opotřebení.

Polishes jsou veganské a co Smith & Culty volá “8-free” – takže žádný dibutylftalát, toluen, formaldehyd, formaldehydová pryskyřice, kafr, xylen, ethyl tosylamid a trifenylfosforečnanu.

Měli byste se rozhodnout vyzvednout láhev, možná budete také chtít držet i jejich horní kabát. Je to robustní, lesklé a zdá se, že dělá nejlepší práci rozšířit čas opotřebení s Smith & Cult line.


Váš přátelský sousedství odvolání závislý,


P.S. Radost Hump Day. Konec týdne je v dohledu! Chtěl jsem vám informovat, že jsem z tebe tak potěšen. Děláš skvěle!

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Mizon Snail healing Gel cream

I lastly cracked open my tube of Mizon Snail healing Gel Cream.  I’ve been itching to try this considering that buying it late last year, however wished to wait up until I completed my other serums first. Last month’s skincare empties paved the method for me to lastly provide this unusual product a go:

I bought this on eBay from a Korean seller as well as it expense me $8 for the 45g tube.

The tube includes safety features – first, a hologram sticker to make sure authenticity:

Inside the box is a common tube:

Which is sealed for one more layer of security:

It consist of 74% snail filtrate.  Just what IS snail filtrate?  It’s a nicer sounding name for snail slime, aka MUCUS.  From Wikipedia:

The foot mucus of a gastropod has a few of the high qualities of a glue as well as a few of the high qualities of a lubricant, enabling land snails to crawl up vertical surfaces without falling off.

Snail filtrate is mainly water with proteins as well as antioxidants.  It purports to promote formation of collagen to assist repair work the skin, in addition to anti-aging properties.  This is my very first time utilizing any type of skincare consisting of snail filtrate…

It’s a lightweight gel that’s not slimy as one may expect.  But I did discover that it left a somewhat tacky feeling to my deal with after application.  It’s odourless (what do snails odor like, anyway?) as well as colour / paraben free.  This gel likewise contains hyaluronic acid which is a crucial component I look for in hydrating serums.  This product phone calls itself a gel cream however I don’t discover it creamy at all – it’s finest referred to as a silicone-y gel.  I utilized it the exact same method I would utilize any type of serum: used after toner as well as before moisturizer.

Here’s the thing, I’ve been utilizing this on as well as off for the past 6 weeks however I waited to publish a evaluation on it since I just did not understand exactly how I felt about it!  Does that ever occur to you?  I didn’t understand exactly how it was benefiting my skin, if at all. It felt great on the skin, however I saw no obvious difference, either positive or negative.  My skin condition was in great shape when I started utilizing the Snail healing Gel.  But then a couple of week ago, I experienced a break out (which I narrowed down to a BB cream I started using on a everyday basis – Missha best Cover BB Cream, as well as I suspect the offending components were either Macadamia Ternifolia or Simmondsia Chinensis [Jojoba] Seed Oils). Anyway, I utilized my reliable BHA and Benzoyl Peroxide to battle the break out, as well as while they were efficient in ridding the blemishes, my skin got irritated, dry, as well as flaky.  Enter Mizon Mizon Snail healing Gel Cream.  It assisted to calm my skin as well as keep it hydrated, without exacerbating the existing blemishes.  Overall, I believe this is a great product however I’m not sure if I requirement everything the time – not sure if I would repurchase.  7/10

Another note: the date stamped on the box indicates its manufacture date, not the expiry date. I’ve discovered that lots of Korean as well as Japanese cosmetics suggest the manufacture rather than expiry date which I prefer.  I can do my own math of when I believe a product will expire.

Have you tried any type of skincare consisting of snail filtrate?

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Stupeň péče o pleťové péče – část 2It byl nevyhnutelný, že poté, co jsem publikoval stupeň mých přátel ‘péče o pleť, že mé další dobří přátelé si rovněž chtěli mít své rutiny přezkoumány. Side měl návštěvník zeptal se mě v komentářích, abychom vyhodili péči o pleť – což je o ní velmi důvěřující! Níže jsou uvedeny jejich sebevědomí …
11. května 2015 ‘Beauty ”

Trash Stash: April 2016It comes as no surprise that I’ve got a lot of empties once again this month. Fine, I’ll admit it, I’m actually eating this stuff. I just want great deals as well as great deals of empties each month! I particularly took pleasure in the gulping down that Mizon snail serum – YUMMY. 😆 Nizoral 2% ketoconazole…
May 3, 2016In “Beauty”

My extremely very first Jolse OrderI’d never heard of Jolse up until I started blogging. then I came across the fantastic Fifty shades of Snail blog, which showcases Oriental skincare. She commonly talks about as well as then I started noticing other blogs discussing the site so I made a decision to buy a few things to test it out.…
September 10, 2016In “Beauty”

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Anastasia Beverly Hills Eye shadow Singles: Chiffon, Comfort, chocolate Crumble, Rosette

I keep in mind a time when Anastasia Beverly Hills (ABH) was solely a brow product brand.  And look at it now!  According to Sephora, their most prominent product is their Modern Renaissance Eye shadow Palette.  You understand me, I can’t dedicate to a big scale combination so I was rather psyched when I discovered that ABH introduced single refills as well as a customizable palette.

I got these right before Christmas last year as gifts to myself.

ABH currently offers a whopping 104 colours in their single shadow line. They’re split into 7 finishes: Satin, Metallic, Ultra-Matte, Velvet, Shimmer, Titanium, Duo-chrome, as well as shimmer (the completes are listed in a different way on Sephora versus ABH’s site – I default to ABH’s descriptions).

The eye shadow singles offer routinely for C$16 each, as well as the empty 4-pan combination is valued at $8. Sephora offers a filled combination for $56 ($74 value), which is a $18 savings.

Each pan contains between 1.5g to 1.7g of product (Chiffon as well as chocolate Crumble are 1.5g, Rosette is 1.6g, as well as comfort is 1.7g) – similar to other single shadows.  The packaging for every refill is extremely secure, each pan is housed in a plastic clam shell inside cardboard sleeves.

After extensive research, I settled on these 4 colours:

Chiffon: antique gold (Titanium)
Comfort: antique copper (Satin)
Chocolate Crumble: smoky amethyst (Titanium)
Rosette: burgundy shimmer (Titanium)

I’ve tested out these eye shadows for about a month as well as right here are my thoughts on them.

I was most looking ahead to trying the Titanium surface shades – hence why I got 3 of them! – as they look gorgeous in the swatches I’ve seen online. I would explain the Titanium surface as a shinier than a shimmer, however not as shiny as a metallic. The formulas aren’t consistent across the 3 Titanium completes I tried.  Chiffon as well as chocolate Crumble are most similar – their structure are a bit chunkier as well as behave like pressed pigment. Rosette is drier as well as less pigmented, as well as apply more like a velvet finish. comfort is a Satin surface as well as used rather similar to Chiffon – I discovered both to be extremely smooth as well as pigmented.  The colours are gorgeous when swatched:

A major problem I dealt with was that while the shadows used well on the lids with a shader clean (in a patting motion), as soon as I started to blend, the colour would blend away to nothing. I frequently had to add 2 or 3 layers to preserve the intensity I wanted. There was likewise rather a bit of autumn out – I feel as though there’s a binding component missing from this shadow formula.  The inconsistency between the Titanium surface likewise meant the 3 shades perform differently: I discovered both chocolate Crumble as well as Rosette to fade on my lids as well as crease at around the 6 hr mark. comfort as well as Chiffon lasted much better however the longest they stayed looking intact was around 8 hrs (I always utilize my usual primer as well as eye base).  To put the hours into point of view – I get prepared in the mornings at around 7am, as well as by around 1pm, my eye shadows are starting to fade as well as crease.

I was expecting more of these shadows since so many people rave about the high quality of ABH eye shadow palettes.  Plus, these are $16 each (compare that to $8 for MAC refills). I was surprised that out of the 4 shades I tried, my favourite [turned out to be] the shade Comfort, the lone Satin finish!  Rosette was my least favourite. At the end of the day, I’m unsure if I’d purchase more ABH shadows – there are just so many brands / choices out there.

Interestingly, Chiffon, comfort as well as chocolate Crumble are made in the US, whereas Rosette is made in Italy.

Actually, I do truly like the ABH empty combination – it is almost similar to the MAC 4-pan pro combination except there are indents to more quickly eliminate each refill pan.  Unlike the MAC palette, the ABH combination itself is magnetized while the refill pans are not (the reverse is true for MAC’s system).

MAC on the left, ABH on the right
The finest part? The ABH empty palette is now offered on Sephora for only $1, no strings attached! I’m relatively specific this is  new cost decrease – I assumption the concept is that a person would buy the ABH eye shadow singles to fill the palette, however I’m most likely going to just refill them with other 26mm eye shadow refills (MAC, ColourPop, mug etc).

• extremely pigmented
• wide range of shades as well as finishes
• blends well

• Colours blend away easily
• considerable autumn out
• Not long using (fading as well as creasing)
• costly compared to other refill systems

Stash worthiness: 6/10

I should qualify that my score is restricted to just these 4 shades that I’ve tried. perhaps this is a harsh general rating, however I just havE Žádná tolerance pro nákladné oční stíny, které provádějí špatně. Upřesnil bych, že komfort stínu je 7/10, stejně jako prázdná paleta je 9/10.

Zde jsou některé srovnání mezi barvami ABH, stejně jako další podobné odstíny v mé skrýš:

Šifón proti Shu Uemura P Gold 350, Mac Mořské uctívání, stejně jako pobřežní vůně Cherry Moss

Pobřežní vůně Cherry Moss je relativně podobný kromě teplé základní barvy.

Komfort proti Mac Woodwinked, Ardency Inn zvýšil zlato, stejně jako Shisiedo Br214 do dřeva trio (levá pánev)

Na očních víčkách je Shiseido podobné.

Čokoláda rozpadá proti Mac odcizené moment, Satin Taupe, stejně jako Lancome Ageless Taupe

Mělo by to přijít jako žádné překvapení, že jsem v podstatě vlastnit přesný taupe barvu 3 krát znovu. Vzorec na ostatních funguje mnohem lépe než abh.

Růžice proti Mac Rich Core, Burberry Mulberry, stejně jako MUFE D826 Obr

MUFE FAG má podobný tón, ale je to mnohem více třpytivé.

Je to vždycky fascinující snaží zjistit podobné odstíny – pár z nich vypadá tak podobně v pánvi, nicméně, když se vzbočil, nevypadají všechny, že podobné, stejně jako naopak!

Tyto stíny jsou mé první produkty ABH. Vyzkoušeli jste ABH oční stíny? Nebo jiné položky abh? Co si myslíte? Jsem stále nerozhodnutý o této značce – slyšel jsem, že jejich produkty rtů mají být dobré.

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Megapost: Custom kombinace Systemsi’ve to publikovat pivovar pro měsíce, stejně jako napomáhat ho ve světle nedávné kontroverze s paletou z. Pokud o tom nechápete, zkontrolovat si to tady, tady, stejně jako zde. um yeah … celková gongová show. : o z kombinace je s největší pravděpodobností nejrozšířenější z jakéhokoliv typu hlavních …
13. března 2017 ‘Beauty ”

Blogmas 2016: Beauty Bay, stejně jako Sephora haul (dárky pro sebe : LOL: Objednal jsem si produkty Beauty Bay 24. listopadu, stejně jako to nastal 16. prosince! Sephora Haul je z kupónu VIB – pro Vib Rouge, …
21. prosince 2016 ‘krása ”

Make-up pro vůbec Artist ShutowsThis Vstup je součástí, které se netýkají, stejně jako hodnocení součástí – představovat inzerát pro všechny (MUFE) Umělec stíny. Koupil jsem 3-PAN přizpůsobitelnou kombinaci na začátku prosince loňského roku, abych uplatnil můj Sephora Vib $ 20 off kupón (minimální nákup ve výši 50 USD). Opravdu jsem si přál maximalizovat kupónovu hodnotu – i …
23. února 2015 ‘Beauty “

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Guest Post: smooth Solstice combination – rough condition evaluation

Today we have something different on the blog – a guest publish by Joyce of regional woman foreign Land! Her blog is mostly about travel, with smattering of lifestyle and snack membership boxes. Back in July, we got chatting about the possibility of doing a cross-over type of post, whereby she examined a makeup product on my blog, as well as I publish about a travel destination on her blog. as well as right here we are! Here’s Joyce, in her own words:

Sleek Solstice combination – rough condition Review

The colours are gorgeous as well as beam like there is no tomorrow. All 4 are metallic highlighters.

Ecliptic – champagne (cream), brow bone & cupid’s bow friendly, finger application is the very best friend, simple to blend

Hemisphere – purple/lilac (baked powder), extremely pigmented, difficult core mirror-like metallic surface & not simple to blend, utilize with caution, animal hair clean recommended

Subsolar – yellow (feels like pressed powder), fine however bright metallic finish

Equinox – orange (baked powder), a extremely lovely soft highlighter *Sleek suggested this for cupid’s bow. If you do utilize this for cupid’s bow, re-apply is needed after drinks / food.

From a NC25 perspective, the most ‘daily’ comprise friendly colour is Ecliptic as well as Equinox. Hemisphere is method as well bright. It is gorgeous for instagram or picture shoot, however for routine daily it is as well much? Subsolar has a a lot more powdery surface than the other 2 powders. It is still creamy, however feels a lot more dry than the other 2. I hope that makes sense.

Below is a buddy who kindly modeled for the publish On her cheek was Hemisphere… This was WITHOUT flash as well as WITHOUT any type of special lighting.

To nejsem já!! I have severe freckles. I believed it would be much better to demo the colour on a younger deal with than me haha.

Secure metallic closure with a satisfying sound.

Golden plastic that attracts finger prints.

Fully mirrored lid

Rubbish complementary clean ==> directly to the trash is recommended


2 colours survived 6 hours both Scottish wind as well as intermittent rain – hemisphere/purple & ecliptic/champagne

Without any type of rain, all 4 survived 6 hours as well as no flakes / crease

Trial conditions explained
Day 1: outside at Glencoe (Highland, Scotland), 15 degrees + random shots of heavy rain + highland notorious wind
Day 2: Arthur’s seat hike as well as walk around Edinburgh, 18 degrees + sunny + wind

Test subject: Me, 30+, combination skin, NC25

Arthur’s seat
Mica, Talc, Dimethicone, Ethylhexyl Palmitate, Ozokerite, Magnesium Stearate, Isononyl Isononanoate, Nylon 12, Caprylyl Methicone, Paraffinum Liquidum, Polybutene, Magnesium Aluminium Silicate, Methylparaben, Propylparaben. may consist of +/- Titanium Dioxide (Ci 77891), Red Iron Oxide (Ci 77491), Yellow Iron Oxide (Ci 77492), Black Iron Oxide (Ci 77499), Ferric Ferrocyanide (Ci 77510).

Highlighted in red are:
• Paraffinum liquidum – mineral oil (aka advertising euphemism for petroleum)
• Parabens / preservatives – aka potentially cancer triggering as well as hormone disruptors. **Propylparaben is banned in Denmark for any type of below 3 years old children’s product.

Production country: China

Sleek is an UK drugstore brand. In UK, this combination offers for £10. enjoy out for their specials!!! I got this combination from the 2 for £10 offer i.e. I got this combination for £5
There are 2 major drugstores in UK: superdrug as well as boots

As usual, zero affiliated links, all links are for readers’ comfort

Guest publish by: Joyce Belfort
In short: I’m an avid Stashy stalker as well as truly wished to work together on something with her. One problem… I am a travel blogger.

Here are other places you can discover Joyce:
Bloglovin’ / Google+ / Twitter / Instagram / Facebook / Pinterest

I like exactly how Joyce lugged this combination all the method out to the Scotland Highlands to do a wear test! I’ve been to the Highlands as well as those winds are no joke. say thanks to you Joyce for this! My publish on her blog will be up soon – Joyce just recently transferred to Paris as well as is experiencing difficulties with getting her Web set up! Zůstaňte naladěni.

Do you have the smooth Solstice Palette? Do you own a combination of just highlighters? Those seem to be so prominent now – I’ve been eyeing this smooth one as well as the Anastasia ones.

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21. března 2017 ‘krása ”

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