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Curvy, krémová, nádherná MAC maximální rtěnka

nové MAC maximální rtěnky, 23 dolarů
Co je šedá, křivka stejně jako naprosto luxusní?

Um … Hádej! Nicméně ne úplně.


Jo, nové MAC maximální rtěnky (23 USD), stejně jako záložky, které mají absolutně několik věcí; Oba jsou nádherné, stejně jako Curvaceous, stejně jako vypadají, jako by byly vyřezávány Michelangelo.

Křivky na dny

Ale citovat prakticky každý ABC Afterschool speciální, “je to to, co je uvnitř toho počítání!” Stejně jako v tomto případě, co je uvnitř, je také skvělé, stejně jako velmi hydratační. Díky dobrému, protože moje rty skutečně potřebovaly další hydrataci v poslední době.

Po týdnech šunku na matné uhličkách začali jednat jako Regina George na indikující ženy běsnění.


Kočky a make-up mikina?

$ 42.

Nakupuj teď

Jinými slovy: nepříjemné. Můj ret sitch počítal na Flake City.

Ale po pár dnech používat jeden z těchto MAC nejvyšších rtěnků (jasné jsou moje faves), věci se dívají nahoru! Moje rty se necítí tak suché, jak byly, stejně jako jsou naprosto méně škodlivé. Teď si nevěřím, že budou shotovat každý jedinec v kavárně jídelny.

Zleva: vychutnat si, měkké pouty, marque, hořlavně bohaté, femme de luxe, Catharina, odvážný, nebezpečně elegantní, vogue en fialová, stejně jako scéna
Pokud jde o metodu, kterou cítí, připomínají mi MAC mineralizaci rtěnky, takže pokud se vám líbí přesně, jak hladké, hladké, hladké, stejně jako nelepivé ty pocit, může se také podobně jako ty.

Mám pocit, že ultimáty pohladí mé rty mnohem elegantněji než mineralizační rtěnky, ačkoli, stejně jako to připomíná rtěnky na vyšší konec, stejně jako tradiční krémy $ 33 Dolce & Gabbana.

Je to jako když vás někdo drží v náručí, stejně jako se tavíš proti nim jako nutely na teplém toastu … vzorec skutečně se váže na kůži.

A jako přidaný bonus, s jasnými i hlubokými odstíny, jako je scéna, Catharina, stejně jako vzrušení, protože vzorec mizí přes program 3-4 hodin, se obrací k elegantním, saténovým skvrnám, který přetrvává ještě jeden 1-2 hodiny.

Nebezpečně Chic.
MAC Hlavní rtěnka v Vogue en fialová
Ravishingly Rich.
Femme de luxe.
Měkký pout.
Líbí se mi tolik, že jsem dočasně uvedl matný šílenství na pauzu, jestliže jste stále přesvědčeni, stojí za váš čas, neberte mi své slovo. Dnes ráno jsem se zeptal své kouzlo 8 sféry, stejně jako to řekl: “Všechny indikace ukazují na ano.”

A to není nic špatného.

10 nová krémová, nádherná MAC maximální rtěnka ($ 23 každý) jsou nyní nabízeny v MAC přepážkách, stejně jako na internetu v dlouhodobé linii.

Cena: $ 23
Dostupnost: Trvalé, stejně jako nabídlo nyní v MAC přepážkách a online
Make-up, stejně jako odvolací blog Hodnocení: A- / A (jsou typu drahé pro Mac)

Projekt Trvale organizující: část 239889 …

I když mluvím o mé kanceláři, vždy jsem nepořádek (to je), opravdu jsem udělal nějaký skutečný život rozvoj života v posledních několika týdnech, takže jsem byl na jednom dalším organizačním kopu, stejně jako já jsem naprosto Spotřebované s tímto bitovým černým šaty (19,99 dolarů) módní šperky organizátor z kontejnerového obchodu.

PRO BOHA! Tak užitečné. Je to oboustranný závěsný organizátor s odstraňováním kapsy na jedné straně, stejně jako suché zipy na druhé straně.

Moje prsteny, přívěsky, stejně jako jiné doplňky využívané k tomu, aby byly všechny posunuté na vrcholu mého prádelního prádla, s několika z nich dal na bitové desky, stejně jako ostatní v malých boxech, stejně jako já nikdy nemůžu objevit Jack Squat, nicméně ne Už! Nyní, co jsem na pravidelném základě, je snadné se dostat na jedno místo.

Ruce dolů, to nejlepší $ 20, které jsem strávil v dlouhé době.


Kdo pochopil, že je organizovaný, by mohl být tak pozoruhodný v kontrole šílené!?

Vaše přátelské společenství odvolání závislý,


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The Bkr bottle Is quite possibly the Cutest Water bottle in the history of the world

I recently told my friend Marisol that I drink an obnoxious amount of water throughout the day. “No, really,” I said. “It’s nearly obscene. You’d think I had some odd water obsession or something.”

This came up in conversation one day while we were at HomeGoods, where I was trying to find an over-sized XXL cup to hold said water. Marisol pointed out that I must check out her fave water bottles because 1) they’re cute, 2) they come in a variety of fun colors, and 3) they hold an obnoxious amount of water (32 ounces!).


How cute is this?!

It’s a strong glass water bottle from bkr, a small company out of San Francisco.

Each bottle comes with a grippy silicone sleeve and a cap with a hand-holder thingamabobber, and their major selling points (besides the cuteness) are that they’re BPA- and phthalate-free. They’re also 100% made with FDA-approved materials.


Kočky a make-up mikina?

$ 42.

Nakupuj teď

I’m also told that the caps form a best seal.

Mine just arrived today, and it’s huge (32 ounces/1 liter)! I bought the big 1-liter bottle ($42), which I plan to keep on my desk during the day.

I know that $42 is a lot for a water bottle…but I’ll drink from it all day, every day, and it’ll make my desk/office look prettier.

The shade I picked, “Sugar,” is a warm pinkish coral, and surprise! — it reminds me of flamingos.

The bottles are available in a bunch of other colors and designs on the company’s website, although I got mine from Amazon to get complimentary shipping with Amazon Prime.

There’s also a smaller, travel-friendlier 500 ml/16-ounce bottle for $30 that would be great for throwing into a big purse to run errands.


Now those are incredibly cute!

Especially the ones with hearts.

Honestly, this is probably the most ecstatic I’ve ever been about a water bottle, LOL! I like to just carry it around the house and hold it.

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Makeup and charm blog Monday Poll, Vol. 370

You might be wondering, “So what in tarnation is this Monday Poll thing anyway!?”

Není to přesně anketa. It’s much more of a continuously evolving (devolving?), somewhat random list of questions I’ve been putting out to readers every Monday morning for the past seven years. (It’s like a kickstart for your brain.) I’ve always delighted in reading your answers in the comments, and I hope you delight in reading mine.

Have you ever seen someone in real life who looks like they could be your twin/doppelgänger?
Přeji si! and if I did, I would certainly take a twinsies selfie of us with my phone.

Someday, it’ll happen…and it will be awesome. hopefully she’ll be a cat lady, too.

Sometimes I will hear that I look like somebody’s sister or aunt or mom, or like Reese Witherspoon, which I take as a total compliment because I think she’s adorable.

What do you think of the new Apple Watch, and would you wear it?
Gurl, I walked by the Apple store yesterday (on my way to the Chanel counter), and I didn’t even want to go inside and take a look. I just… I have my good ‘ol view with, like, the dial and the two little hands, and that’s all I need.

I just feel like I already carry my phone with me all over the place, and I don’t really need a smart view to tell me what’s already on my phone.

Sometimes when I open my mouth…
…crazy cat lady stuff comes out.

VERY crazy cat lady stuff — so crazy that even I’m amazed I say it, like, “It’s kitten season!” which I say every single time we drive by the Marin county Humane Society.

El Hub is so sick of hearing it. He’ll say, “Sweetie! Every season is kitten season!”

And I’ll just nod. “Vím.”

Do you see yourself as much more of a bohemian, or a glamour gal?
This one’s difficult because I like the unwinded ease of the bohemian look, but I don’t really feel like it’s 100% me…because I’m not all that relaxed. I certainly see myself as much more of a glamour gal. I feel much more comfortable when I’m a little much more dressed up and put together. I think that’s much more my style.

What do you typically wear to work?
Well, here at Tabs the cat industries LLC, the dress code is very strict (not really). Although it’s tempting to wear workout clothes all the time, mostly I dress as though I’m going to a regular office. It just helps get me in the mindset of what I’m gonna do for the day, so I guess you could call it company casual. best now I’m wearing a cute pair of chambray scalloped shorts and a kind of secretary-ish sleeveless blouse because it’s expected to be hot here today.


Tvůj tah. Stačí kopírovat a vložit následující otázky do komentáře s vašimi odpověďmi. Těším se na čtení EM!

1. have you ever seen someone in real life who looks like they could be your twin/doppelgänger?
2. What do you think of the new Apple Watch, and would you wear it?
3. in some cases when I open my mouth…
4. Do you see yourself as much more of a bohemian, or a glamour gal?
5. What do you typically wear to work?


Kočky a make-up mikina?

$ 42.

Nakupuj teď

Ahoj kamaráde. This is random, but do you want some cilantro? My little deck garden is slowly but certainly coming along, and my cilantro plant is by far dominating all of the other herbs.

So cilantro is in the house.

I hope you’re doing well today. I’m feeling much better — like, emotionally. I know that sounds goofy, but it’s true (thank you again for your kindness and support).

I’ve been making a lot of headway on operation get Your Sh*t Together. I did a bunch of things that I’ve been wanting to do but just haven’t done, like I removed a tall, narrow bookshelf that wasn’t much help, moved my desk to a different side of the room, and I purchased this huge behemoth of a shelving system.

This is probably gonna sound crazy…but it’s pink.

Hot pink.

And it’s made out of stainless steel.

So, I don’t know if it exactly reads “office chic,” but I found it on Amazon, and it’s not crazy expensive. hopefully it alleviates some of my storage issues.


Anyway, enough about that! have a great day today, and I’ll speak with you soon.

Váš přátelský sousedství Charm Addict,


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MAC Unsung Heroes: Veluxe Pearlfusion shadow in Brownluxe

MAC Veluxe Pearlfusion shadow in Brownluxe ($40, available now in the MAC permanent collection)
One of the downsides of deep-cleaning one’s office (yes, operation get My Sh*t together is still ongoing) is finding a substantial mound of stale cat treats behind a box of eye palettes and realizing, “Holy freaking crap! I’m the woman who had a pile of stale cat treats in her office and has no idea how long they were there!”

It could have been days, weeks or even years, and frankly I’m surprised that Tabs didn’t find them, because I’m sure he would have “removed” them for me.


Hey girl, haaaay!
Before you click away thinking, “This woman is crazy,” I do have a point, and it is this: one of the upsides of deep-cleaning one’s office is rediscovering long-loved and lost gems like MAC Brownluxe Veluxe Pearlfusion Shadow.

If you like wearing eyeshadow but feel like your blending skills are lacking, and/or you’re typically in a hurry to get out the door, and/or you can’t bear the thought of buffing out three layers of Soft brown with your 217, YOU need THIS IN YOUR LIFE.

“Five complementary shades that glide on and blend beautifully for infinite day-to-night looks: egg shell, frosty orange gold, light yellow chocolate, deep bronze, blackened plum with pearl. Matte to highly pearlized finish.”


MAC Brownluxe
MAC Brownluxe belongs to the Veluxe Pearlfusion shadow family, a group of powder shadow palettes in the MAC permanent line. It’s one of eight Veluxe Pearlfusion palettes available now for $40 each.


Kočky a make-up mikina?

$ 42.

Nakupuj teď

A few of the MAC Veluxe Pearlfusion Shadows…
The MAC Veluxe Pearlfusions have a different formula than the regular MAC powder shadows that come in the round pans. Softer and silkier, they feel almost creamy to the touch.

Each Veluxe Pearlfusion palette (Plumluxe, Copperluxe, Peachluxe, etc.) has its own distinct color theme, and within each palette, you get five Veluxe Pearlfusion shadows hand-selected to work together in that particular theme.

Browluxe, one of my favorites in the Veluxe Pearlfusion fam, has a soft, shimmery eggshell beige; a satiny, medium golden tan; a glittery, orangey gold; a shimmery chocolate; and a shimmery, deep plummy brown — all colors that I could happily wear daily for the rest of my life based on how I’ve been feeling lately, ’cause I’ve been all about #datneutrallife.

Swatches of MAC Veluxe Pearlfusion shadow in Brownluxe on my NC42 skin
But it’s not just the Brownluxe colors that I like. The Veluxe Pearlfusion formula is also just plain fab. It’s really, really easy to blend. even if you’re completely new to eyeshadow, I think you could do a look incorporating two or three (or maybe even all five!) of these colors, and have it turn out looking like you know exactly what you’re doing.

I don’t know what kind of cosmetic witchery is at work, but it’s probably related to the creamy formula. Erasing edges between the colors and creating diffused gradients that seamlessly transition from light to dark, which are telltale signs of someone who’s been blending for a while, is easy with these shadows.

Brownluxe is the best if you’re always running late (story of my life). I wore it yesterday to a meeting in the city with some beauty folks, and I only had 20 minutes to do a full face of makeup from start to finish. Brownluxe helped me quickly do a neutral cat eye, which I paired with a bright hot pink lip (MAC Pink Pigeon), and I think it turned out looking like I spent 45 minutes instead of 20.

Wearing MAC Brownluxe on my eyes

I really do believe that Brownluxe would be terrific for anyone new to blending shadows. Newbies, I’m talking to you! You’d have a good time with it, and later, after you’ve explored and experimented more with color, you’d be able to work these same neutrals into your brighter looks.

There are a couple of other things I should also mention…like the shape of the Veluxe Pearlfusion pans. They’re long and thin, so don’t even bother trying to use a big eye brush. It would just pick up color from neighboring pans. When I work with these, I always use brushes with smaller brush heads like the MAC 239 and MAC 217, and occasionally I’ll get a pencil brush up in the mix, like if I’m smudging out my lash lines.

Also, be sure to tap your brush first to remove any excess and reduce fallout. I say again: tap your brush first. tap YOUR brush FIRST.

You really ought to tap your brush first. because some of these shadows do exhibit a little fallout. but it’s not a substantial amount.

Wearing MAC Brownluxe on my eyes
And then there are the flattering finishes. Girl, as I grow up (haha), things like the way a shimmery product reads on my skin really, really matter, and I love the way these shimmer. They look silky smooth on lids, even lids with fine lines (ahem, like mine). It’s almost like you’re wearing softly glowing crushed pearls… It’s very elegant, and akin to what you might find over at Chanel.

The wear time is also wicked. I had a long day yesterday, and even after 12 hours, I could still see the Brownluxe shadows shimmering softly on my lids (for reference, I have combination oily/dry skin).

I feel like I should spread the Brownluxe love. I’ll talk about it with anybody who’ll listen, and if you’ve made it this far down this post, I hope you give it a try. I think you’ll find something wonderful.


Vaše přátelské sousedství krásy závislý,



The MAC Unsung Heroes series (a subset of my regular Unsung makeup Heroes series) features some of my all-time favorite products from MAC’s permanent collection

MAC Unsung Heroes: MAC Fleur Power Blush
MAC Unsung Heroes: Swiss chocolate Eyeshadow
MAC Unsung Heroes: Costa Riche Eye Kohl
MAC Unsung Heroes: Mineralize Skinfinish Natural
MAC Unsung Heroes: MAC extra dimension Eye shadow in Havana
MAC Unsung Heroes: Chicory Lip Pencil
MAC Unsung Heroes: Smoked Almond Lipstick
MAC Unsung Heroes: half ‘n half Lipstick
MAC Unsung Heroes: Chili Lipstick
MAC Unsung Heroes: Coffee Eye Pencil
MAC Unsung Heroes: Mineralize Skinfinish in global Glow
MAC Unsung Heroes: MAC extra dimension Eye shadow in Havana
MAC Unsung Heroes: retro Matte liquid Lipcolour in Burnt Spice
MAC Unsung Heroes: Mineralize Foundation/Loose
MAC Unsung Heroes: MAC giddy Lustre Lipstick
MAC Unsung Heroes: MAC studio fix fluid Foundation
MAC Unsung Heroes: Amorous Alloy Eyeshadow
MAC Unsung Heroes: texture Eyeshadow
MAC Unsung Heroes: Prep + Prime 24-Hour extend Eye Base
MAC Unsung Heroes: Swiss chocolate Eyeshadow
MAC Unsung Heroes: Saddle Eyeshadow
Unsung Heroes: MAC In extra dimension waterproof Mascara
MAC Unsung Heroes: Minted Eye Kohl
MAC Unsung Heroes: Take the Plunge Technakohl Liner
MAC Unsung Heroes: Cork Eye Shadow
MAC Unsung Heroes: 221 mini Tapered Blending Brush
MAC Unsung Heroes: Matchmaster shade intelligence Compact
MAC Unsung Heroes: MAC Oh My Mocha Eye Shadow
MAC Unsung Heroes: pro Longwear waterproof Colour Stick in Lilacked
MAC Unsung Heroes: Satin Taupe Eye Shadow
MAC Unsung Heroes: High Tea Lipstick
MAC Unsung Heroes: Blooz Eye Kohl
MAC Unsung Heroes: MAC Fleur Power Blush
MAC Unsung Heroes: Layin’ low paint Pot
MAC Unsung Heroes: Constructivist paint Pot
MAC Unsung Heroes: Prep + Prime Fix+
MAC Unsung Heroes: Mineralize Skinfinish Natural
MAC Unsung Heroes: Persistence Matte Lipstick
MAC Unsung Heroes: Veluxe Pearlfusion shadow in Brownluxe
MAC Unsung Heroes: Costa Riche Eye Kohl
MAC Unsung Heroes: The studio Chromagraphic Pencils
MAC Unsung Heroes: Brun Eye Shadow
MAC Unsung Heroes: Staunchly stylish pro Longwear Lip Pencil
Mac Unsung Heroes: MAC teplá duše mineralizace červenat
Mac Unsung Heroes: odráží starožitné zlaté třpytky
MAC Unsung Heroes: style Blush
MAC Unsung Heroes: Shaping Powder in Lightsweep
MAC Unsung Heroes: pro Longwear paint Pot in Painterly
Mac Unsung Heroes: Era Eye Shadow
MAC Unsung Heroes: Bronze Eye Shadow
MAC Unsung Heroes: Honey Lust Eye Shadow
MAC Unsung Heroes: sun rush Lustre Drops
MAC Unsung Heroes: nice Buzz Plushglass
MAC Unsung Heroes: 33 Lash
MAC Unsung Heroes: Shale Eyeshadow
MAC Unsung Heroes: harmony Blush
MAC Unsung Heroes: Careblends pressed Powder
Mac Unsung Heroes: Splnění plushglass
MAC Unsung Heroes: Bamboom Paint
MAC Unsung Heroes: Sublime Nature Paint
Mac Unsung Heroes: Face a Body Foundation
MAC Unsung Heroes: Prunella Eye Kohl
MAC Unsung Heroes: The 239 Eye Shader Brush
MAC Unsung Heroes: Greensmoke Eyeshadow
MAC Unsung Heroes: Ample Pink Plushglass
MAC Unsung Heroes: Indianwood paint Pot
Mac Unsung Heroes: holé studium
MAC Unsung Heroes: Rubenesque paint Pot
Mac Unsung Heroes: Zařilé oko Kohl
Mac Unsung Heroes: Big Baby Slaushglass
MAC Unsung Heroes: Kohl Power Pencil liner in Feline
Mac Unsung Heroes: Formát červenat
Mac Unsung Heroes: Ambering rose červenat
MAC Unsung Heroes: MAC Iridescent Powder/Loose in Silver Dusk
MAC Unsung Heroes: MAC Iridescent Powder/Loose in golden Bronze
MAC Unsung Heroes: C-Thru Lipglass
MAC Unsung Heroes: Fresh Flare pro Longwear Eye Shadow
MAC Unsung Heroes: Viva Glam V Lipglass
MAC Unsung Heroes: Loud & lovely Cremesheen Glass
MAC Unsung Heroes: Viva Glam VI Lipglass
MAC Unsung Heroes: breezy Sheertone Shimmer Blush
Mac Unsung Heroes: Péče směsí Vitální oleje, grapefruit + Heřmánek
MAC Unsung Heroes: Prep + Prime Vibrancy Eye Primer
Mac Unsung Heroes: Right Image Cremesheen Glass
MAC Unsung Heroes: Modesty Cremesheen Lipstick
Mac Unsung Heroes: Double Dare Cremesheen vlákno
MAC Unsung Heroes: Bamboo Eyeshadow
MAC Unsung Heroes: speak Louder Cremesheen Lipstick
MAC Unsung Heroes: Sandy B Lipstick
MAC Unsung Heroes: Club Eyeshadow
MAC Unsung Heroes: uniform Technakohl Liner
Mac Unsung Heroes: Sladká spokojenost pro dlouhé oděvy oční stíny
MAC Unsung Heroes: MAC Red Lipstick
Mac Unsung Heroes: Lady Danger Rtěnka
MAC Unsung Heroes: temptingOční stíny
Mac Unsung Heroes: Ruby Woo Rtěnka
Mac Unsung Heroes: Retrospeck oční stíny
Mac Unsung Heroes: Oční stíny v Phloof!
Mac Unsung Heroes: Čtvrnická rtěnka
Mac Unsung Heroes: Creme ve vaší kávě rtěnka

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Nový náplní NARS Pro Palety

The Malé ($ 14) stejně jako velké ($ 18) NARS Pro palety
Ať už děláte, pokud jste náchylní k procrastinaci, nebo pokud máte termín, který nemůžete krok nebo někde, musíte být v určitém čase, pod absolutně žádným scénářem chcete hrát s nástrojem NARS Pro Kombinovaný stavitel

Opakuji, ani tam nechodím! – Vzhledem k tomu, že pokud to uděláte, budete podzimní otvor králíka nekonečného nastavení, stejně jako přeskupení vaší sny kombinace očních posouzení, červenčených, bronzers, bronzers, stejně jako prášky, stejně jako dříve, než si to pochopíte, projdou dvě hodiny, jako No, jak vám vaše kočka poskytne smrtelný pohled, protože jste ho nepřijali na procházku.


Jistě je zábava!

Dříve tento měsíc se Nars udělal něco velmi chladného. Zavedli dva NARS top kvalitní prázdné palety (velký, stejně jako malý), který je plnitelný s ohledem na vaše make-up-milující srdce touhy.

Nyní koncept prázdných palet není nový. Jiné existují, stejně jako paleta z, kterou se můžete dostat na Ulta za $ 20 (versus 14 $ 14, stejně jako $ 18 pro tyto dva), nicméně tyto mají logo NARS, stejně jako jsou také spojeny novou linií NARS Doplňte pánve.


Kočky a make-up mikina?

$ 42.

Nakupuj teď

Malé i velké NARS Pro palety v mé tlapce …

Kombinace velkých NARS s iPhone 6 Plus pro měřítko

Boční pohled na kombinaci velkých NARS s některými očními očními duše, stejně jako singly

Velké NARS Pro kombinace s některými očními očními duše, stejně jako singly
“Počkej – Udělal jste náplní pánve, k?”

Jo, určitě jsem to udělal. Existují singly oční stíny, duše oční stíny, červenat se, vypořádat se s prášky, stejně jako bronzery v 64 celkových odstínech, což nezahrnuje celé kolekce NARS od shora dolů (jak neuvěřitelné by to však bylo?), Avšak to zahrnuje Velký obchod NARS tradiční odstíny jako orgasmus červenat, stejně jako galapágy oční stíny. Protože nemají rutinní balení značky, jsou také o něco méně nákladné než obvykle. Například, jedním náplněmi oční stíny jsou $ 18 každý, místo rutinních jednorázových nákladů ve výši 25 USD (ty s běžnými nars balením).

Velké NARS Pro kombinace s některými očními očními duše, stejně jako singly v jiném uspořádání
Kombinace malých NARS Pro s iPhone 6 Plus pro měřítko
Malé NARS Pro kombinace s několika červenanými (Amour, stejně jako Dolce Vita)
Stejně tak matelně depo vašich stávajících Nars pánve stejně jako naplnit palety tímto způsobem, nicméně jsem se to nezkusil, ale … budu se k němu dostat k němu jeden z těchto dnů.

Ach! – Stejně jako jsou také některé předem provedené palety nabízené, že jsou plné RECS pomocí NARS make-up umělců, což je v pohodě, protože se mi líbí, co vidím, co ostatní lidé vložili do svých palet.

Uvedené výrobky


NARS BIG PRO Kombinace ($ 18)

NARS Pro Kombinace doplňování odstínů ($ 18- $ 30)

Palety Nars ($ 203- $ 337)


Více informací ve videu. Jako vždy, řekněme vám ještě jednou pro sledování!

Vaše přátelské společenství odvolání závislý,


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3 things That helped My Hormonal Chin Acne

wearing absolutely zero makeup
Shortly after I turned 36, all hell broke loose on my chin, and what had previously been the clearest part of my face was all of a sudden a pimple farm.

They were the painful pimples, too! A mix of tiny bumps that seemed to never go away and big ol’ painful zits that felt like they had 100-year-old roots.


I went to the dermatologist, tried antibiotics and different prescription topical meds, but nothing really helped. Nedostatek.

Eventually, I discovered a few things that did work. It took a while, some experimenting with my diet and lots of weeding through ineffective products, but over the following year, my chin situation improved a lot.

Here’s what helped turn the tides against my hormonal chin acne!


Kočky a make-up mikina?

$ 42.

Nakupuj teď

1. creating a skincare cocktail by combining and layering different products

I had hoped to find one magic bullet, but it turned out that the best thing for my combination oily/dry skin was a cocktail of different over-the-counter products.

It took a lot of trial and error to find the best combination of products for me. My skin seems to respond best to benzoyl peroxide, antioxidants and exfoliating acids. That may not be the case for you, but in the hopes that it is, the products I’ve had the most success with are…

3 things That helped My Hormonal Chin Acne

Kate Somerville’s Anti Bac Clearing face lotion ($39), a 5% benzoyl peroxide lotion that absorbs quickly, layers well underneath makeup and doesn’t have that funky benzoyl peroxide scent. I’ve tried a bunch of BP lotions before, and this was the one that made the most significant difference for me.

Skinceuticals CE Ferulic ($153), an antioxidant serum with Vitamins C, E and ferulic acid (an antioxidant). developed to bolster skin against the damaging effects of UVA and UVB rays and to stimulate collagen production, it really helped decrease the flakiness and post-acne discoloration I was seeing.

Sunday Riley good Genes treatment ($105). This lightly hydrating serum includes unneutralized lactic acid and seems to improve the smoothness and texture of the skin around my chin.

Neutrogena All-in-1 Acne control daily Scrub ($8). I keep this cleanser, which includes beta hydroxy acid (or BHA), in my shower and use it every morning.

2. diet — dairy and sugar

Another big, albeit difficult, thing that seems to have helped get my breakouts under control was laying off dairy and refined sugar. I’d heard from friends that this could make a huge difference, and despite my deep and abiding love for yogurt, milk and ice cream, I’d reached a point where I was desperate to try anything.

I started with baby steps — replacing the sugar and milk in my coffee with almond milk, eating less yogurt throughout the week…and not eating so much cheese and ice cream.

Dude, it was hard!

It took a while to see a difference, but I stuck to it, and with my other efforts, after six months my chin was already much better.

I’ve also discovered a few other things that absolutely have an impact on my skin, like the amount of water I’m drinking and fresh fruits and veggies I’m eating. If I’m not drinking enough water and getting enough fruit and veggies throughout the day, my skin pays the price.

3. Hands off!

Last, but not least, keeping my hands away from my zits.

It’s so hard for me to resist the temptation to pick at my pimples. I know, I know… but gah! Je to tak těžké. When I squeeze it always makes things worse.

Truth be told, to took a while to break this habit. I had to avoid looking closely at my chin in the mirror best before bed, which is when I was many likely to pick and pop, or when I was feeling stressed.

Sometimes, I used good ol’ fashioned bribery on myself, like if didn’t touch my face for ‘X’ number of days, I would reward myself with some makeup or a pair of shoes.


Whatever it takes!

Váš přátelský sousedství Charm Addict,


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Bílý tee trik (také známý jako dva obopy barvy) pomocí Mac Giambattista Valli Rtěnka v tatech a Kristin Perry sprchoval v Neon Náhrdelník

Dva POPS O ‘Barva!
Jedním z nejrychlejších, mnoho barevných způsobů, jakým vím, že se oblékají standardní bílou tee Ensemble, je inkorporaci dvojče pops o ‘barvy jako světlé ret a barevný náhrdelník.

Když se dva POPS navzájem doplňují, jako jsou horké růžové v novém Mac Giambattista Valli Rtěnka v Tats a Kristin Perry sprchoval v Neon Náhrdelník, tento trik je rychlý a snadný.


Ale komplementární barva věc není nerozbitné pravidlo, nebo jakýkoli druh pokynů pro tuto záležitost. Ta věc je jen mít dva kontaktní místa. Dokud budete mít, že bys měl být dobrý.

Říkám to “bílý tee trik”, protože zřejmě všechno v mém životě potřebuje onicl (oficiální název zahrnující velká písmena).

Mac Giambattista Valli Rtěnka v tats

Kristin Perry sprchoval v Neon Náhrdelník ($ 38)

Mimochodem, Mac Giambattista Valli Collection dupany po mocí do obchodů MAC, MAC stránek a čítače zítra, červenec 9 (k dispozici do 6. srpna).


Mám pocit, že by to mohlo rychle prodat kvůli jasným barvám a krásným obalům, takže pokud máte zájem, možná budete chtít jezdit na poníka dříve než později.

Váš přátelský sousedství Charm Addict,


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The Walking Dead-MBB Twitter Oslava této nedělní noci, 30. března!

Zcela si jistý, že po Z-Day skončím být zombie-fied relativně rychle … Zobrazit, lidé! Zombie Karen je vždy hladová pro braaaains!
Chodící Sezóna Finale je tato nedělní noc, stejně jako jsem tak, tak vzrušený! Stejně jako, tak nadšená, že mohu jen latovat poklopy v domě, že celý den, aby zajistil, že nic jiného než skutečné zombie apokalypsy může potenciálně způsobit chybět show.

Sezóna 4 byl mimo Frickin ‘hák, stejně jako jsem si docela jistý, že konečná epizoda mě opustí s nějakým mentálním zjizvením, které bude nepochybně potřebovat podstatnou make-up terapii.


Věřil jsem (Uh, Oh!), Musíme udělat Twitter Celebration během finále! Budu na Twitteru, když show vzdává této nedělní noci, 30. března v 6:00 P.M. Pacifik (takže se domnívám, že to vzdává v 9 p.m. Východního pobřeží) živého tweetingu jako události se rozvíjí …

Jaká je nabídka s Terminem?
Co se stalo Beth?
Proč mi už nelíbí?

Snad získáme odpovědi na tyto otázky, stejně jako více …


Přidej se ke mně! Stačí zahrnout hashtag #zombieBeautylove ve vašich tweety.

Vaše přátelské společenství odvolání závislý,


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NARS Steven Klein holiday 2015, part 1: The gift sets

It wouldn’t be the holidays at NARS without a gift set with some guy junk…

NARS Steven Klein full service mini Kabuki clean set ($95)
And a woman in a Jason Voorhees mask…


Tak jo. It’s quite much business as usual over at NARS!

The brand likes to scoot along the razor’s edge with their holiday collections, frequently doing partnerships with cutting edge artists, as well as their holiday releases are anything however tiring as well as traditional. instead of reindeers as well as candy canes, we get women in lingerie using attractive aliens masks.

This year’s collab is with fashion professional photographer Steven Klein, as well as it’s a huge one. I’ve split it into two parts, with this very first video covering the gift sets, which show up on the NARS website as well as at NARS shops October 5, as well as then in stores November 1.


Kočky a make-up mikina?

$ 42.

Nakupuj teď

Here are some swatches as well as pictures, as well as there’s a great deal more information in the video at the top. I hope you see something you like.

NARS Steven Klein Despair Cheek combination ($65)

NARS Steven Klein Despair Cheek combination Blushes in Nico, Savage, Esoteric as well as Ferocious

NARS Steven Klein Dead of summertime Dual-Intensity Eyeshadow combination ($49)

NARS Steven Klein Dead of summertime Dual-Intensity Eyeshadow combination with Dual-Intensity Eyeshadows in Studly, Stag Film, Subra as well as Blackmail, as well as larger Than Life eyeliner in via Veneto
NARS Steven Klein killer Heels mini Lipstick set ($49) with minis in bit Darling, Mayflower, Joyus Red, Jungle Red as well as terminate Down Below
NARS Steven Klein full service mini Kabuki clean set ($95)
NARS Steven Klein full service mini Kabuki clean set with a mini Ita Brush, mini Hanamachi Kabuki Brush, mini Kabuki Eye clean as well as mini set Pennelli Kabuki
NARS Abnormal female Lip Pencil Coffret ($65)
NARS Abnormal female Lip Pencil Coffret with velvet Matte Lip Pencils in Dragon Girl, 413 Blkr as well as Sex Machine
NARSSteven Klein Humoresque Audacious Lipstick Coffret ($160)
NARSSteven Klein Humoresque Audacious Lipstick Coffret ($160)
NARSSteven Klein Humoresque Audacious Lipstick Coffret ($160)
NARSSteven Klein Humoresque Audacious Lipstick Coffret with Audacious Lipsticks in Racquel, Juliette, Anna, Fanny as well as Charlotte
NARS Tearjerker Eye set ($39) with a mini NARS Audacious Mascara, Kohl liner in Tragic as well as Kohl liner in X-Static
NARS Steven Klein A Woman’s deal with nude Lip set ($49)
NARS Steven Klein A Woman’s deal with nude Lip set ($49)
NARS Steven Klein A Woman’s deal with nude Lip set with velvet Matte Lip Pencil in Dolce Vita, Lipstick in Dolce Vita as well as velvet Lip liner in Patong Beach
NARS Steven Klein splendid Obsession Red Lip set ($49)
NARS Steven Klein splendid Obsession Red Lip set ($49)

NARS Steven Klein splendid Obsession Red Lip set with velvet MatteLip Pencil in Mysterious Red, Lipstick in Flamenco as well as velvet Lip liner in Misdemeanor
NARS Steven Klein Dead of summertime Dual-Intensity Eyeshadow combination with Dual-Intensity Eyeshadows in Studly, Stag Film, Subra as well as Blackmail, as well as larger Than Life eyeliner in via Veneto

NARS Steven Klein Dispair Cheek combination Blushes in Nico, Savage, Esoteric as well as Ferocious
NARSSteven Klein Humoresque Audacious Lipstick Coffret with Audacious Lipsticks in Racquel, Juliette, Anna, Fanny as well as Charlotte
NARS Abnormal female Lip Pencil Coffret with velvet Matte Lip Pencils in Dragon Girl, 413 Blkr as well as Sex Machine
NARS Steven Klein splendid Obsession Red Lip set with velvet MatteLip Pencil in Mysterious Red, Lipstick in Flamenco as well as velvet Lip liner in Misdemeanor
NARS Steven Klein A Woman’s deal with nude Lip set with velvet Matte Lip Pencil in Dolce Vita, Lipstick in Dolce Vita as well as velvet Lip liner in Patong Beac
NARS Tearjerker Eye set with Kohl liner in Tragic as well as Kohl liner in X-Static
NARS Steven Klein killer Heels mini Lipstick set with minis in bit Darling, Mayflower, Joyus Red, Jungle Red as well as terminate Down Below


Jako vždy, řekni díky vám za pozorování!

Vaše přátelská společenství krása závislý,


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The MAC Nordstrom Naturals Eyeshadow Palette: I’ve Been Grabbing everything the time since It’s just So Convenient!

The MAC Nordstrom Naturals Eyeshadow combination ($85)
Even though the MAC Nordstrom Naturals Eyeshadow combination has been on counters for a couple months now, I believe it’s worth one more mention since of the value. For $85 you get 15 full-size MAC bestsellers from the long-term line, which would otherwise expense $150, not including the expense of the package, based just on refill pans bought separately.

If I were a MAC neophyte, I’d be around this like gravy on biscuits.


Heck, even after a 20-year MAC obsession, I still believe it’s a fantastic value. This combination checks off nearly all of the boxes on a great must-have MAC eyeshadow desire list, as well as it does it in one fell swoop (at a expense breakdown of about $6 per shadow).

The MAC Nordstrom Naturals Eyeshadow Palette
It has so lots of of the classics! — the must-have MAC shades you hear about over as well as over again. It couples a few of the all-time fantastic workhorse shades like Carbon, Brun, Omega as well as Saddle with flashier, shimmery neutrals like Woodwinked, Honey Lust as well as appeal Marked, although to be honest, I’m type of shocked that Soft brown as well as Shroom didn’t make the cut.

But perhaps that’s ’cause I’m playing favorites.


Kočky a make-up mikina?

$ 42.

Nakupuj teď

Depending on the shadows you already own, this palette, while expensive up front, is a truly fantastic deal.

The $85 MAC Nordstrom Naturals Eyeshadow combination includes…

Vapour — a peachy pink with violet pearl as well as a velvet finish

Honey Lust — a bronzed peach with a Lustre finish

All That Glitters — a beige with golden pearl as well as a Veluxe Pearl finish

Saddle — a golden orange brown with a Matte finish

Mulch — a reddish brown with bronze pearl as well as a velvet finish

RicePaper – třpytivé, broskvové zlato s mrazem

Amber Lights — a shimmery, peachy brown with a Frost finish

Woodwinked — a warm antiqued gold with a Veluxe Pearl finish

Wedge — a soft soft beige-taupe with a Matte finish

Brun — a soft blackish brown with a Satin finish

Omega — a soft beige-taupe with a Matte finish

Satin Taupe — a taupe with silver shimmer as well as a Frost finish

Embark — an intense reddish brown with a Matte finish

Beauty marked — a blackish red with pearl as well as a velvet finish

Carbon — an intense black with a Matte finish

The MAC Nordstrom Naturals Eyeshadow Palette

As much as I like it, I do have to state that a few of the structures seem ever-so-slightly different right here than they do elsewhere.

Like Woodwinked, for example. The version right here in the combination doesn’t feel rather as soft as, as well as is a tad less shiny than, the private pan I bought a couple years ago.


You may not even recognize it, since the difference isn’t dramatic, however I’ve gone with four freaking pans of Woodwinked over the years, as well as I vow there’s a difference.

But I’m a freak that way… If you’ve been wanting to grow your MAC collection as well as just get ‘er done, freaking do it. You’ll get a ton of utilize out of this palette.

Swatches of the MAC Nordstrom Naturals combination from the left in Vapour, Honey Lust, All That Glitters, Saddle as well as Mulch
Ricepaper, Amber Lights, Woodwinked, Wedge as well as Brun
Omega, Satin Taupe, Embark, appeal marked as well as Carbon
The combination is restricted edition, so it won’t be around for long, however it is offered now solely at Nordstrom stores as well as